June - this is what you can sow and cultivate
Grow your own
The wonderful early summer is here, the days are getting warmer and there is full activity in the garden. Now you can sow most vegetables outdoors, and as long as the frost stays away, plants that have been pre-cultivated indoors can find their place outside in the open.
In order to give what you are going to grow a good start, it is important to weed out, loosen the soil and fertilize. Alternatively, you can try mulching, an environmentally friendly cultivation method that requires less weeding and reduces the need for watering and fertilization.
These you can grow outdoors in June
Sugar snap peas
During the summer, there is often empty space in the flower bed or planter box as you harvest. So feel free to sow fast-growing seeds in these empty spaces, such as arugula, dill, or sugar snap peas. This way, you make use of the space and also make it harder for weeds to take hold.
Plant cultivated plants
As soon as the risk of frost is over, you can start planting out what you have pre-cultivated indoors. Just be extra careful with those that are especially sensitive to cold, such as dahlias, cucumbers, and beans - wait with these until it is properly warm and nice outside.
Remember to acclimatize the pre-cultivated plants to the outdoor weather by hardening them before planting them out, reducing the chances of them wilting. Hardening is done by putting the plants outside during the day, but bringing them in at night. Do this for about a week, so they get used to the weather conditions, and then plant them where you want them.,Pre-cultivated plants have an advantage and are also more resistant to pests and slugs than plants sown from seeds outside. Iceberg lettuce, cucumber, certain types of beans, squash, fennel, and basil are examples of varieties that benefit from pre-cultivation indoors.,
Have you forgotten to pre-cultivate?
No worries, you still have plenty of time to grow new seedlings in pots and seed trays indoors or in a greenhouse. If you do it in several batches during the summer, you will always have something new to plant out when there is empty space in the planters or beds.
Sow flowers
Flowers are not only beautiful, but they are also necessary to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hoverflies to the garden. Even if your main interest is growing vegetables, it is wise to grow flowers as well. With pollinators in action, you will speed up pollination and therefore also the harvest - plus you help the insects, which unfortunately are declining. You can sow summer flowers outdoors in June. One flower that attracts a lot of insects is the marigold - it can be planted between the rows in the vegetable garden or almost anywhere there is space.
Flowers that can be sown from seed in June
Garden cress
Ornamental corncockle
Grow your own