Money tree (Crassula) – facts and care advice
Money tree is a very easy-to-care-for classic among green plants, and since it is a succulent, it is perfect for those of you who don't like to water so often.
Care tips for money tree
A lot of light and little water are the most important keys to success with a money tree.
The plant likes to be in bright light, preferably in the sun. The leaves can take on a reddish color in strong sun, but this is not harmful to the plant.
Normal room temperature works well, year-round. If you want to try to get the money tree to bloom (which normally doesn't happen until the plant is a good few years old), you can give it a rest period in the winter by putting it in a cooler place - preferably below 15 degrees, but still well above freezing. If you're lucky, the plant will have small white flowers when spring comes.
Don't be too zealous with the watering can. The plant should dry out completely between each watering, otherwise the roots can rot. Lift the pot to check if it is light or heavy. This gives you a much better indication of whether it is time to water than just feeling the soil with your finger. The soil may be dry on top, but still moist at the bottom. Remember that the plant requires different amounts of water depending on the season and location, for example – for example, more water in summer than in winter. Money tree needs very little water in winter, especially if it is kept cool.
Money tree does not need much nutrition, but it can appreciate a little liquid potting soil from spring to autumn.
Tip! Since the plant tolerates the sun well, it can be placed outside in the summer – just make sure it does not drown when it rains.