Therefore you should plant in the fall
Outdoor plants and garden
When fall is approaching and the nights get colder, it's easy to think that the gardening season is over, but nothing could be further from the truth. Fall is the perfect time to plant new perennials, shrubs, and trees. Even seeds can benefit from being planted in the fall.,Early in the fall, when the soil is still warm, it's easy for new plants to establish themselves. Fall rains and higher humidity help, and you don't have to run around with the watering can as often as when planting in spring and summer. The actual digging is also easier when the soil is moist.,,,As if that wasn't enough, fall is also an excellent time for dividing and moving plants. Since the plants are going into winter dormancy and the plant sap is sinking down into the roots, they are not as sensitive as in the summer.
Outdoor plants and garden