Planting in pots
Outdoor plants and garden
Good plants in pots can decorate and contribute to increased well-being both outdoors and indoors. Read our tips for successful pot planting.
Here is how to plant in pots
Lightweight clay balls, Fill the bottom of the pot with lightweight clay balls. To ensure good drainage, cover the clay balls with a layer of weed fabric before filling with soil.New soil, Fill the pot with new soil, such as summer flower soil or quality plant soil. Feel free to mix in slow-release fertilizer.Plant the flowers, Plant flowers in the same color palette, but with different shapes.Water, water, water, Water generously after planting.Keep tidy, Trim flowers that are starting to wilt to encourage the growth of new buds.
What can I plant in?
Actually, you can plant in anything. The most important thing is that what you plant in is big enough for the plant. If the pots are too small, there will be little room for water and nutrients, and you will have to water and fertilize much more often as the plants grow. To regulate moisture, it is wise to use pots with one or more drainage holes in the bottom, so that excess water can drain out. We usually plant in pots, urns, and balcony boxes. But use your imagination: maybe you have a nice, old wheelbarrow, a rusty bucket or jug, some baskets, wooden crates, or something else nice. Mix different sizes and shapes. Everything doesn't have to be on the floor. Build vertically with hanging planters from the ceiling, wall planters, and pedestals. However, remember that pots are exposed to frost and ice if left outside in the winter, so choose frost-resistant pots if necessary. This is especially important if the plants are outdoors: if it rains a lot in the fall and then it freezes, you risk the pots cracking due to frost damage.
Which plants can I put in the same pot?
Plants that thrive in sun or shadeThere are really no rules for which plants can be planted together, but be careful that the ones you put in the same pot or balcony box thrive in the same environment, whether there is a lot or little sun in the location.Colors and varietiesWhen putting the plants together, for example, you can stick to one color shade, ton-in-tone in white, blue, pink, or red, but mix plants with different shapes and growth habits. Many times it can be nice to just have one variety in a pot, or maybe one flowering and one green plant, so that both the pot and the plants can shine.Height and volumeIn large pots, tall plants are nice, for example grasses or conifers. If the pot is to be visible from multiple angles, the tallest plant should be in the center. If the arrangement is to be placed against a wall or similar, place the tallest plant in the back. Otherwise, it may be good to think that the plants should be placed with some symmetry and look good from multiple viewpoints.
Consider the following when planting in pots
Bold colors look great in the sunlight.Pinch off the flowers as soon as they start to look ugly, as this will result in a richer blooming.Plant a species that tends to spread easily next to other plants. This creates nice contrasts with, for example, a climbing plant, grass, ivy, or another green plant.
Outdoor plants and garden