Perfect lawn - all year
Outdoor plants and garden
With the right tools, fertilizer and care, the dream of a healthy and green lawn becomes a reality. Learn more about how to take care of the lawn and keep it in good condition all year round.
Get a fresh and green lawn by taking care of it in spring, summer, and late autumn. As important as giving the lawn nutrients and love when needed, is to leave it alone occasionally.
Cut the lawn in the spring
A lawn that has just woken up from its winter sleep under the snow is delicate. In other words, it is not wise to attack it with an iron rake early in the spring. You risk causing more harm than good. If there are small twigs and stones left on the lawn in the spring, you can rake gently when the grass has dried up. Fertilize the lawn. When the lawn has grown five centimeters, it's time to fertilize. Extra nutrients throughout the spring and summer make the lawn strong, while moss and weeds grow less. Grass fertilizer, based on chicken manure, is good and easy to spread on the lawn, like freshly cut grass. You can also use organic fertilizer. Fill in uneven areas and remove moss. Do you have holes in the lawn that you want to get rid of? Fill them with nutrient-rich soil and sow with grass seeds or repair the grass. Moss can be removed with a rake or by planting ground cover plants that tolerate shade. Tip: The best cure for moss is light and nutrients - it helps the grass grow better. Lime against moss depletes the soil of nutrients and is therefore not recommended.
Cut the grass in the summer
When summer comes with warmth and sunshine, it's time to mow and verticut to add oxygen. Verticut the lawn. If you want a thick lawn, it's a good idea to aerate it and add oxygen. This can easily be done with a verticutter. This tool creates small air pockets in the soil and separates the grass roots a little. This allows water and nutrients to reach deeper into the soil, while the separated roots are stimulated to produce side branches. As growth begins to pick up, a denser lawn forms. Tips: Usually, it's not necessary to verticut the lawn more than once during a season. Wait until you've already mowed the lawn a few times. Mow the grass regularly. In the summer, it's good to mow the grass frequently. This will encourage new shoots and make the grass thicker. Avoid mowing lower than 4-5 cm to keep the root system strong. This will be about 1-2 times a week during the summer months. If you experience a dry period, just let the lawn be. It may stop growing, but it will green up again as soon as the rain comes.
Turn off the lawn in autumn and winter
Remove leaves and fallen fruit late in the fall, as the lawn can then withstand much more than it will when it wakes up after winter and frost. When winter comes with snow and cold, the grass rests - and you can too. The lawn does not need maintenance in the winter. It is best to leave it be until it has warmed up and the soil has dried out. 5 quick tips for a nice lawn, Remove leaves and fallen fruit in the fall. Feed and fertilize when the grass has started to grow. Fill in holes, bare spots, and remove moss - then sow new grass. Air the roots with a vertical cutter. Trim the lawn regularly throughout the summer.
Outdoor plants and garden