The Swedes' favorite - easy-care plants that do not need replanting
Low-maintenance plants have long been popular, but this year the interest has skyrocketed. A whole two out of three (68%) are interested in low-maintenance plants, according to Plantagen's report "Plant Trends 2024 - Starting the year with plants" which has been produced for the thirteenth consecutive year in collaboration with HUI. During the pandemic years, interest in low-maintenance plants decreased slightly, but the interest has increased again.
"We still want to have greenery at home - even though we are not spending as much time at home now as during the pandemic. Buying a plant and pot together makes it easy for everyone to create a home filled with plants, even for those who completely lack green fingers," says Johan Tordenheim, category manager at Plantagen.
The plants in the new assortment, called Easy Care, have different numbers of stars that indicate how easy they are to care for - from the very easiest four- and five-star plants, to slightly more challenging plants with fewer stars. The plants in the assortment do not need to be repotted, come with simple instructions, and a outer pot in the right size. The entire assortment is in a Scandinavian, stylish design with subdued colors that fit in most homes.
A plant with an accompanying pot is a simple and appreciated gift that can be customized to the recipient's interior style and level of ambition, Johan Tordenheim continues.
The new assortment includes a number of rare plants that are replaced over time. The report Plant Trends 2024 shows that the interest in rare plants, which really took off during the pandemic, is still hanging around. A whole 48 percent find it fun to learn about new types of plants. In the new Easy Care assortment, there are some exclusive and rare collector's items that are hard to come by and are replaced over time.
– The short time the assortment has been in store, we can already see that it is very appreciated. We launched the limited assortment with an Alocasia Frydek Variegata, a rare and popular collector's item that is almost sold out in all stores, concludes Johan Tordenheim.
The Easy Care assortment is available in almost all Plantagen stores throughout the Nordic region and can also be ordered online.
Five easy-care plants with accompanying pots.
Mother-in-law's tongue Pagoda
An elegant and very easy-care plant with broad green leaves with light edges. It can tolerate almost all light conditions – from a sunny windowsill to a darker corner. However, it needs access to natural light during the day.
Window ficus 'Belize' Shiny, variegated leaves in dark green and pink. An easy-care plant that thrives in bright conditions, but avoid direct sunlight. Let it dry slightly between waterings.
Sansevieria 'Samurai' A classic green plant where the leaves grow in a beautiful compact rosette. Sansevieria can tolerate almost all light conditions, but prefers access to natural light.
Opuntia Opuntia is a stylish plant that doesn't require much care and love. In addition to being incredibly easy to care for, it also has an exciting sculptural form with a lush green color.
Marble Euphorbia Striking succulent made up of various grafted varieties. Drought-tolerant and low-maintenance. Thrives in a bright, preferably sunny location. Let the soil dry almost completely between waterings.